Nau mai haere mai

Welcome to Rotorua Baptist Church

100 Malfroy Road

"A new way of living". 
We invite you to be part of our story. This is y
our place.


One thing we know about Church, it is not a building - it is the people. And people are precious. We are a group of people of all ages, life and faith stages, ethnicities and backgrounds. We are committed to our community and beyond. We enjoy being together and are continually growing - sharing our talents, learning from each other and growing closer to Jesus as we do life together and reach out to others. 


If you are a couple, single, widowed, divorced, mature in age or young at heart,  this is the place for you. We have many ministries and life groups to suit. 

If you are a family, with restless babies, excited toddlers or energetic teenagers this is the place for you - we have  fun kids and youth programmes including creche with caring helpers, toys and  activities. 

If you are mature in faith or brand new to faith or not even sure where you are on your faith journey, this is the place for you. We love to explore the  big questions in life together and journey beside you.

If you are a tradie, a business professional, a cleaner, a nurse, an artist, a forestry worker, a student, retired, full time parent, self-employed, unemployed and everything in-between, this is the place for you. We are richer for our diversity. 

If you are inked, pierced, both or neither, we welcome you. If you like wearing high-heels or prefer gumboots, active wear or shirt and tie or just your favourite  old  t-shirt and jeans, we welcome you.

If you are nailing life or struggling, hurting or happy, able to give support or needing extra support, this is the place for you. We care for each other and love to help each other grow and thrive.

Come just as you are.

This website is only a snapshot of who we are and what is important to us. If you have any questions or would like to chat, please contact us via phone, email or catch up with us after a Sunday service.

There is space for YOU in our whare karakia (Church).


"Our goal is to be a Church that is authentic, caring, welcoming for all". 

  Angus and Wendy Budge                                  

"Everyone will know you are my followers, by your love for one another". John 13:35

Find Us

We are the big  cream building located at 100 Malfroy Rd, Victoria, Rotorua. (don't judge us by our building - it is warm and cosy inside and we are excited to have a building renovation in the near future).

You are most welcome to pop into the office Mon-Thurs 9 am -2:30 pm during the week. It is located upstairs, through the side door. 

Our Sunday morning service is at 10 am  (includes pre-school, kids and intermediate aged programmes) and our night service is usually at 7pm - but is in recess at the moment. We offer espresso coffee at both services. 

Please see below or the other tabs for our mid week gatherings, homegroups and the likes. 

Office hours

Monday-Thursday 9am-2:30pm

IMG 5582 v4

We are so blessed to have Caleb and Jonny join our leadership team at RBC. God is good!


What's On: 

 famous Dad joke competition


CHURCH SERVICE - 10 am. This includes a fun kids church programme, an intermediate/youth programme and creche. And coffee!

Communion service is the first Sunday of the month.

PRAYER FOR THE SERVICE - 9:30 am in creche/lounge. all welcome. 

NIGHT CHURCH - 7pm,  (In recess) Prayer, worship, unpacking scripture together and topical discussion, Q and A. 

Please check out our tab to catch up on any sermons or online services. 

KIDS CHURCH/CRECHE:  during the Sunday morning family service.

IMPACT: intermediate/youth programme  - during morning service. 


MINGLE & MUNCH: Community morning tea. Monday 10am-12noon. $2 koha. All welcome,  friendship, music, boardgames, conversation, home-baking, tea/coffee. 

TAKE-AWAY MEALS: 11:30-12 noon, available for purchase in Church foyer. $8

ALPHA COURSE: If you would like to register for the next course, please  call the office 07 348 5263 or Murray 021 290 0376


Life group at church 10 am ; contact office


LEARN TE REO MAORI: Wednesday 1 pm. Upstairs at RBC. Gold coin koha.  All welcome.  Contact office for details. 

ALPHA MARRIAGE: The marriage course will be on again next year. A great way to focus on and strengthen your marriage/relationship.  Contact the office. 

YOUNG MEN'S DISICIPLESHIP BREAKFAST 6:30 AM Invitation only as working through a book. 


PRAYER BREAKFAST: 7 am Thursday morning in boardroom. All welcome. Tea, coffee and toast provided. Option to zoom in also.

THE LIVING ROOM: Thursday morning 10 am. - a joyful interactive morning for parents/caregivers and pre-schoolers - music and movement, sensory and free play, fun and friendship, lengthy morning tea with espresso coffee and home-baked treats, a space to be loved on by the team while enjoying the company of other adults.  ALL WELCOME. $2 koha. Please contact Church office for details 


RBC YOUTH - on Friday night, 7-9pm at  Church. Fun, food and friendship. If you would like to be part of the youth group please come along or ph Angus 021 263 6427 for details.


TE HAHI:  Community ministry in partnership with NZ Police. 

PRAYER/SUPPORT: Do you need support or prayer? - please contact Pastors, office and/or check out the tab on our "together" page. 

LIFE GROUPS: check out the tab on our "together" page.

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