About Us

We have a heart to be a place of welcome, love and care where hope is found and lives are transformed. 

Rotorua Baptist was birthed  80+years ago. We are a contemporary church for all ages.  We love to worship the one true God being guided by the biblical word and the Holy Spirit. We are all on a journey, growing in faith and authenticity, and encouraged to discover, use and share our giftings,  so we can be all God has called us to be. 

We are real in our approach as we do life together. We want to be continually growing. We love Jesus, each other and our community. We have a heart for mission, locally and across the world. We want to grow and know Him more.  We believe in the power of prayer.  

We journey with and invest in people to bring freedom, hope, growth and courage through practical, emotional and spiritual support.

We create a space where people will experience a new way of living. 

We are a member of the Baptist Churches of New Zealand.

Our Vision and mission:

continually growing 4 pillars visuals 1

Our catch-phrase is A NEW WAY OF LIVING  and we will be CONTINUALLY GROWING.

This is our filter and guide for our ministry planning and outworking. We want to be continually growing more and more in love with Jesus, growing in faith, discipleship, stewardship, friendship, connections, life-groups, worship gathering, impact on and serving in the local community and across the world. We desire to support one another. We will experience a new way of living. 

We are excited to see how God is going to use us and move through us. Please feel free to talk with anyone in the Pastoral /leadership team about your hopes, vision and dreams for RBC.