Pastoral Care
Doing life together and caring for each other is important to us. We know that sometimes life throws curveballs, difficulties and disappointments which require extra support, love and care.
We have a Care team who work closely with the Pastors and leaders. Our aim is to offer, to the best of our ability - practical, emotional and spiritual support to our Church family and the community connected to the Church. We desire to bring hope, healing and well- being.
PRACTICAL: home visitation, meals, hospital visits, gardening, transport, odd jobs and errands, hospitality and practically caring for those who are sick, shut-in, or just need some extra help and support.
PRAYER: Prayer changes things. We would love to pray with and for you.
EMOTIONAL/SPIRITUAL: The Pastor(s) and pastoral elders are available to listen, support, guide, nurture, pray and chat with you.
For general pastoral support, friendship and care, we encourage you to immerse yourself in the life of the Church and also be part of a life-group.
Our pastoral care team:
Angus and Wendy Budge
Rob and Jan Bellingham
Chris and Barb Thomson
Val and Ivan Thomson
For any pastoral care needs please ring the office.
Phone: 07 3485 263