
Just as God has been generous with us, He calls us to be generous too. We worship God with our giving. 

We support our home church so that we can give back/care for the community, support home and overseas missions, care for one another, and function in a way that grows and nurtures our faith and love for Jesus. 

Bank account number: ROTORUA BAPTIST 03-1552-0430054-00

If you would like help to set up an automatic bank payment, request a tithe number or discuss assets you would like to give, please contact the office. (a giving number enables you to claim back one third at the end of the tax year).

We also have a special kete at the back of the Church auditorium where you can place your offerings on a Sunday morning. 

Eftpos also available

Your tithes and offerings are making a difference! Thank you for your generous support.