Alpha and alpha marriage courses
Alpha is a place where you can explore what Christianity is about in a non-threatening environment. It is about listening and learning from each other.
We love Alpha. It began in 1977 in a Church in London and now millions of people all around the world have attended a course and it is translated into 112 different languages.
Alpha runs over a few weeks ( 6-10). Each week we enjoy a meal together which is provided by the church, followed by a video and discussion time. These are fantastic courses - relaxed and friendly and an opportunity to have your questions answered and/or explored.
For those of you who have children - there is a creche available with lovely helpers who have been police checked.
ALPHA MARRIAGE COURSE runs once a year and we have received excellent feedback from these nights. It is for all committed relationships, not just for struggling marriages, but an opportunity to make good marriages even better and gives tools and focus for struggling marriages/relationships. We run these like a date night and offer babysitting if needed. Be sure to sign up for the next one.
Alpha courses are FREE. If you are interested in joining the next course please contact the office