Life Groups

We are better together and life groups are an integral part of how we do life together.  We have a variety of small groups that meet on a regular basis during the week.

These groups are all different sizes, age-groups and styles. Some run in the evenings and some during the day. Many of the groups have shared meals and social activities at various times. 

The groups are a good place for friendship and growth in our faith journeys. They are also a place where we can share our lives together in a more intimate way than is possible in the larger gatherings on a Sunday morning.

We encourage you to join a group. For more information talk with the Pastors or contact the church office. Newcomers are always welcome.

Bi weekly Sunday lunch  12 noon
Meet in various homes
Phone Alasdair 021 030 9323

People in touch through prayer 
1st, 3rd, 5th Tuesday at 10am,
Lounge at the Church
Phone Val 027 625 1326

Central - Flying high
Tuesday bi-weekly 7 pm 
Central Rotorua
Phone Margaret: 021 475 113

Wednesday at 10am
Lounge at the Church
Phone Mike: 07 348 4483

Young Professionals 
Wednesday  6:30pm shared dinner 
Angus and Wendy Budge home
Ph Angus 021 263 6427

James Street 
Wednesday 7pm
Ph Mike: 07 346 0208

Wednesday 7:15 pm 
Phone Ilkka: 021 475 113

Wednesday 7.30pm
Various venues in Lynmore
Phone Ilkka 027 517 6398

Korean Life group ( in recess)
Thursday 7:30pm
Fairy Springs
Phone Stephanie: 021 254 3229

Country Belles
Friday nights 
Phone Kay: 021 234 3455 (at full capacity)

Hamurana group
Monday nights 
Phone Rose 027 458 8063

Lunch at Bellinghams, Ngongotaha
3rd Sunday of the month after Church 
Phone Jan 027 371 8162

Women flying Solo ( ALL single women, all ages WELCOME)

3rd Friday of the month, 




Friday nights Church hall

Phone Angus: 021 263 6427